This is a special shortcode to create testimonial carousel and place anywhere within the page. Can be placed with column too. To start with follow the steps bellow
1. Find menu “Testimonias” bellow “pages” and “comments”.
2. Add few Testimonials.
3. Open the page and place your cursor where you want the testimonials carusel to be placed.
4. Add the testimonial shortcode and you are done.
The result will be :
Selamat dan Sukses untuk LSP-P1 SMKN 7 Bandar Lampung yang telah di Lesensi oleh BNSP. semoga mampu untuk membantu mendorong/memotivasi peserta didik untuk bersaing di era globalisasi dengan pengakuan sertifikat kompetensi.Drs.OTONG HIDAYAT, M.PdKepala Sekolah, SMK NEGERI 7 BANDAR LAMPUNG
The code will look like :
[tx_testimonial style="default"]